Cultural Change

Adaptation to changes is a critical success factor for business


We believe adaptation to changes is a critical success factor for business. We are highly motivated to collaborate with our customers during the process of adjustment to changing external conditions needed to guarantee the survival and the sustained growth of the business.

We are in a time of deep and sometimes unpredictable changes. This requires the ability of handling and accepting changes at all company levels and be executed from bottom to top.

Who Is It For?

The change is planned from top to bottom and it runs from bottom to top.

We specialize in working together with the Board, on planning the change and in the startup at all levels of the organization.

What Services Are Provided?

The Board
– Training.
– Define Vision and Mission.
– Define medium and long term objectives. 
– Define strategies.
Rest of the Organization
– Training on Team work.
– Training on Quality Tools.
– Training in Communications. 
– Organize continuous improvement teams.
– Start Up improvement teams.

What is the Approach?

The Board

Periodic meetings

Rest of the Organization

Training all personel
Meetings with quality teams and Human Resouces
Facilitator of teams

Adapting to changes assures the survival and generates a sustained development. Orients positioning and service quality of the business. Workshops and training sessions are conducted by Claudio Bertin and professionals of the BQC Group.

Director of BQC Group, consultants in Corporate Governance, Management and Quality, Consultant in Quality Systems since 1999, Director of Food Quality Consulting. Evaluator of the National Quality Award. Former HHRR and Quality Manager in Molino Cañuelas. Former Organizational Development Manager at Corn Products International. Former Training Manager in Grupo Juncal Compañía de Seguros. ISO 9000 and HACCP Norms Audit. BRC Standards Advisor Exclusive participation in IV Cumbre de las Américas (2005): together with Bromatology Department of the City of Mar del Plata and La Nación. Monitored and took care of catering served to the presidents during the meeting.